So what’s it like to live on a boat? PART 2
Wednesday, July 04, 2018- We are generally up a bit later than we would be at home- yay some sleep ins!
- We love having breakfast out in the cockpit, we chat about where we want to go or what we want to do that day.
- At this point we have to think about what's for dinner as there is no takeaway and no microwave for defrosting the meat later in the day.
- Then we are off snorkelling, swimming, kayaking, fishing walking or exploring for the morning.
- Lunch some times gets bumped back a bit because we are having so much fun! And the dreaded washing up of the breakfast and lunch dishes must be done.
- We might get out again for some more activities or move the boat to another anchorage.
- By around 3pm we are thinking about showers as its too cold to be showering outdoors in winter much later than that.
- Dinner in the cockpit- we aim for before the sun goes down.
- Cleanup & maybe half a movie before it story time and bed.