1 week on

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Well a week has flown by in the blink of an eye. I promised I wouldn’t leave it so far between updates especially the first one but we have been so busy settling in, having fun and familiarizing ourselves with the boating life.

It has been a steep learning curve for the kids! All these boating terms that they have no idea about... P: “Joel can you get the winch handle please?” J: “ a what???? Where from?” It’s now commonly referred to as “the spiny thing” :)

Peter and Graham had a really quick trip north. 22 hours and they were anchored off Sea World! The breeze died in the last few miles but the rest was sailed under various sail combinations ranging from just half a jib when a big black cloud was close by through to full main and jib. Thank you to Graham for making the trip with Peter, we hope you enjoyed your time on Jura. And a big thank you for your anchor winch knowledge because you know it would be plain sailing without the failure of the anchor winch on day 1! Peter is still sourcing parts and I have my fingers crossed that there isn’t a very $$$$$ new winch on order by the end of the week.

South Solitary Island

Joel & Saige

Joel was very lucky to get to meet up with his best little friend Saige on our drive up to Brisbane. They now live at the Gold Coast and the boys haven’t seen each other in almost 12 months but they wasted no time, jumping straight back into their loud crazy boy games. Missing their friends is one of the things the kids talk about most (yes Nanny and Grandad you too have had many mentions...”Joel it’s Tuesday that’s Nanny day. Mum can we go to the coffee shop?”. Before we left we had a lovely afternoon with a few of the kids friends. They were so excited to show off their boat home to their friends.
Isla & Mia

It was a very loud and messy afternoon but it made the kids so happy to see their friends on the boat.

Here is a photo of us as we motored out of the Manly harbour for our first night aboard (thanks Rosie). 

Joel was in his element, practically climbing the rigging and had some boaty talk going on “mum its a great breeze for sailing”.

We rose early the next morning to motor up the Brisbane River.  It took a good 3hours as we were going against the tide but it was scenic and we haven’t been up there on the boat. We had another first too...pile moorings. We haven’t tied fore and aft to pile moorings so that was a new experience but we didn’t disgrace ourselves.

The Garden Point Boat Harbour is right in the CBD at the entrance to the Botanic Gardens and we have picked up a mooring for 2 reasons, 1 being the anchor winch which is now not on the boat and 2 Peter has gone back to work for a week. Although he had full trust in me to have the boat on anchor out on Moreton Bay I was not so confident.

We have spent the past few days organizing the boat and exploring the area on foot/scooter/bike and ferry. Yep the kids were SO excited to go for a ride on a ferry!!! WHAT?? We live on a boat, why they were so excited for a ferry I have no idea.

On our way to 'school' at the library today

I’m grateful we put Mia’s scooter and Joel’s balance bike on in the end too. We have covered many kms. We’ve been to Southbank & the Roma Street Parklands, to test out the playgrounds plus a swim at the “beach”. Visited the local libraries, that’s where I am sitting right now using the free WiFi and most importantly a PowerPoint. Power has been a bit of an issue in the river and I haven’t been able to run the laptop. We are questioning if the wind generator is really functioning at 100% :(

Mia doing her school work at the Brisbane Library

Joel, Raegan & Mia at the Art Gallery

The Whale walk at Southbank

The kids are enjoying a new book “The Enchanted Wood” by Enid Blyton. It was a gift from Andrew & Rosie and was also the series that Rosie read at the same age whilst living with her family on their yacht!

Here are some photos from the past week.

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